Hi guys! This is my blog that will inform you mainly about gaming and technology, but also sports when there are important events. If you enjoy it, please follow! I usually update daily, but I do have a life and might not have time to blog everyday. Plus, I won't blog when I am out of town.Leave comments on ways I can improve my blog.
I know, I have not blogged very much, not for the last two weeks. That is because I did not come across anything interesting to share. Until know, the Apple TV 2nd Generation. Well, what is the Apple TV? It is a device you connect to your TV to play music, watch youtube, and things like that. You can connect to flickr, netflix, itunes, etc. In order to control it, you can use a remote or an apple product such as the iphone, ipod, or ipad. The design is based on the Mac OS X front row application which is very cool, allowing you to play movies, listen to music, view photos, and more. The remote is similar to the one that comes with it. The apple TV is not very expensive, at just $99. However, when I looked further into the apple TV, i realized that it is not worth buying. It is just like a device to use the front row application on your TV, consisting of things which you can rent. However, there is not enough content, and you cannot purchase any of the content you wish to view. It is basically just something to allow you to watch youtube and things like that on a bigger screen. Things like viewing photos and watching your own videos can already be done on most TVs, and you would not need the Apple TV. However, if your TV cannot do these functions, you should get the Apple TV since it has such a small pricetag. However, if you have a wii, xbox, or something else allowing you to watch Netflix instantly, you do not need this device.
Click Here for the original source of this image.
I realize I just did a blog about an apple application, but then I realized I haven't blogged about Siri yet. If you have an iphone, you MUST get Siri, a digital personal assistant.
Well, what does it do? Siri helps you in all aspects of life. For example, it can help you find restaurants, like many other apps. Nothing special about that. It can help you find Movies, but you can just go on Safari, so that isn't special either. However, on Siri, you can get help for anything from things like Events and nearest gas stations to booking Taxis, finding weather, and checking flight statuses. You can even find reviews! Furthermore, you can either ask questions such as "When is the next Linkin Park Concert?" After this, it will allow you to view where it is, and even let you book a ticket. You can do this for many things, such as reserving a seat at a popular restaurant, or finding rated PG movies at the local AMC. You can even access things like Twiter!
How is this different from many other apps? First off, it is easy to use. You can use the awesome voice recognition function and say your question, you can select it through a few categories, or you can type it. This app was absolutely free when I purchased it, and I believe it still is. Even though it is free, it is better than all the apps that cost money, as explained above. Many people find speech recognition frustrating. There are two solutions to this. First, you can type your questions or click on a few categories and it will make your question. Second, you can go to 'Help' and figure out what to ask.
I know this was a long blog, but it is definitely worth getting, and I felt I needed this much space to tell you that. :P Go to http://siri.com/ for their website where you can see more information about this AWESOME application. Many websites claim that this is one of few apps that will really "show off" your device to friends, and others claim it is one of the proud few who really make life easier. The video below is from here.
1. Fastmall
2. Appshopper
3. ESPN Scorecenter
4. Netflix (only if you have an account)
5. Tonepad
I scrolled down my blog and noticed I haven't done any reviews for any iPad apps. So, here is one: Let's Golf by Gameloft. Gameloft is known mostly for their other games such as Brothers in Arms, Real Soccer, and much more. But, Let's Golf deserves to be one of the elite games. I do understand there is a Let's Golf! 2, but I have not had a chance to review it yet. If anyone would like me to review it, shoot me an email at alanyguo@gmail.com., and I will be happy to do it.
Let's Golf, as the title suggests, is a golfing game that requires strategy and concentration. You must determine where you would like to hit the ball, the amount of power, curve, and more. And, in the beginning, you must select which player to use, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Putting requires a lot of focus, looking at the wind and the slope. It is very realistic. Like in real life, you can hit it into the rough, green, fringe, rocks, water, or out of bounds. The graphics improve to the quality of the game, allowing for an easy feel. The game has versions for the ipod touch/iphone and the iPad. On the iPad, it comes in HD. Something I think could be improved upon is the players. I think it can be more realistic by allowing for a choice of real golfers, such as Tiger Woods or Phil Mickelson, and make them into an animated figure. In addition to this, it can take each real golfer's strength and weaknesses. Plus, there should be a larger variety of maps, allowing for the game to change from the maps it has right now. The tournament mode could be better, but it already is great. To add to it, there should be fans, TV reporters and things like that. A store should be added where you can buy better clubs, apparel, or golf balls. I know you can unlock apparel and golf balls, but a store would improve to the depth of the game. Overall, this game is very addicting and fun to play with a friend. Click here for the link to the photo below.
My rating: 8.6/10